Sunday, September 14, 2008

Girl's Camp

We have just completed our first week long girl's camp :) we had nineteen girls including staff children and we took over an the SIM guest house for the week.

We decided to take the theme of "The King and I " thinking of ourselves as Daughter's of the king and therefore as Princesses.

We wanted all of these precious girls to really feel loved and special as so many of them have had such traumatic backgrounds and I think we succeded. We chose as our theme verse -

and everyday we looked at a diferent aspect of the verse building up to an invitation to a banquet on our last evening.

The girl's experienced many new things including :-

sitting at a table to eat their food , with knives and forks and table cloths...trying new foods like pancakes and pizza and french toast...
jumping on a trampolinemaking jewellrymaking cookieslearning how to tie and dye fabric going in a swimming pool jumping in off the side

standing on their hands and climbing trees as a part of a treasure hunt...

and we even had singing round a campfire and toasting marshmellows...
The highlight of the week came on the last day as the speaker issued them all with an invitation to accept Jesus's offer to be a Child of God personally and ten of them made commitments:)

That evening we had a Princess banquet and they all dressed up and we were able to find tiarras and shawls and even had a three tier Princess cake!! we decorated the room with candles and fairy lights and had live music playing....they were so amazed, we ate a nice meal and then they were taught Irish dancing much to their delight.... our Ka Ka so enjoyed herself she said she thought she had gone to Heaven ! see her all dolled up...
Truly it was a great Princess camp, all of our girls felt loved and special by their Heavenly father who loves them as they are and longs to heal their hurts and restore them to the people he created them to be. It was such a priviledge to share this week with them and see them blossom under the love and experiences they had, I pray they will remember it for a long time to come.

1 comment:

miyung said...

They look so cute and truly loving!
Well done girls to organise such a superb camp for the gals.
I'm getting some ideas for our local pastors wives get-together. Hope you will get some rest and recharged!

bless you
miyung xo