Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentines Day for our girls.....

On Saturday we were priviledged to be invited by a local church to a special Valentines programme for our girls....The girls and I loved it...they all got dressed up in their finery and all looked great and were excitedly waiting since early morning to be picked up. I crammed about 15 of them in my Jeep and the rest in a minibus and off we went.

We had never met these people before but they were great and so hospitable to us all. There was just us and a few of them in their church and they sang and danced and the Pastors wife told stories to the girls..Our girls love to perform too and sang and told memory verses..

There were lots of highlights for me but a few to share...Two of our girls Simi and Rebecca who have been in the ministry two years both stood and gave their testimonies and brought tears to the eyes....But even more special was the fact that then our two new girls who have only been with us a few weeks and days stood and told of the horrific things they had been through and how thankful they were that the ministry had taken them was awesome.
The lady who invited us Comfort sang special songs to us and then gave each girl a big bag of toiletries and sweets and biscuits.. the girls were so excited to recieve their very own sponge and bars of soap.....
A few pics below ....

What a great way to spend Valentines day...surrounded by little girls and Jesus love demonstrated by these new friends of our ministry....awesome

The Old and the New...

During these last couple of weeks we have been re- evaluating the function of our ministry here in Kings Kids, weve been writing policies and looking at a holistic approach from the day children come in to how we should best exit them and all the training we aim to do along the way..
Its great to be able to have an overview and to see all the amazing ways that God is helping to shape and mould us to meet the needs in this society.

At present we have 6 new boys from the street at Gidan Bege and in the last two weeks we have had two new girls brought to us. We are currently visiting some of our older boys families to see who can be reconcilled back this summer after living with us for a number of years , and at the same time weve visited those who left us a year ago and we have heard lots of stories about how well they are doing and what changed people they are :)

These are our two new girls... Blessing on left aged 14 years and Emmanuela aged 8 on right.
Both came to us running for their life as a result of occult involvement. Already in such a short time they have lapped up the love and attention shown to them. Praise The Lord we got a new aunty to live with them the day Blessing arrived...great timing.

This picture shows another cycle to the ministry...the Uncle here Waisu was one of our original boys who came from a M background and lived on the streets until aged 10 he came to us. Now he has finished schol and has recently been to a discipleship training course in Ywam and is now serving as a junior uncle in Gyero. He is doing great at teaching the little ones and an excellent role model with such a lot of experience to share.

The old and the new...God is in control of this ministry and as we continue to welcome new ones in and send old ones out He is glorified.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A night in the village....

For all those of you that have been wondering just what exactly is it like to spend the night in the village with our on and enjoy the pictures.
Last night was a typical night...The children are all in classes till 4pm and when they come out have lots of I decided we would get some exercise and so we went to play football...They are gradually learning how to play together as a team...but it generally is very noisy but they get to run around a lot. So after all that exercise they need to bathe....Now bathing is a fascinating process here as the is no running water in the village . All afternoon buckets of water from the well have been sitting in the sun to get warm, the girls stand in the middle of the compound and are lathered from head to toe with soap and then water is carefully tipped over them. I started this last night but was quickly demoted as i was using too much water !! I sometimes forget that water is in short supply here . They then have to rub their entire body in vaseline....It is amazing to watch as the bigger ones scrub their little sisters and grease their bodies....

After bathing we had electricity and so started to watch a film...breaking in the middle to eat food, last night was touwe (made from ground maize) and okra soup , everyone ate with great enthusiasm.

after the film, all were worn out from the day including Aunty Nicky and it was only 8.30pm !! so as is custom we had evening prayers and off to bed.:)

Some were out like a light, others took the opportunity to be doing their homework, all sisters big ones helping little ones it is so lovely to see how they look out for each other in that way without being prompted...

AS you can see it is custom here to put clean clothes on after bathing and then to sleep in them. Getting up in the morning and putting you then put on your uniform for school.

We slept .......until around 4.30 when the cockrels start going and the the church next to us starts ringing its gong at 5am calling people to prayer and so we hear singing etc... and then at 6am its time for our girls to get up and start their own singing and praying for morning devotions :) so an early school starts by 7.45 .... All of the older girls have their jobs to do, looking after little ones, washing plates, sweeping the rooms and compound etc...while I drink my tea :)

Then off to school and a chance for the biggest three to have discipleship with their Aunty....They are so keen and enthusiastic to read the Bible and discuss their faith it is great to help them grow. In the picture below are Elizabeth (left to right) Alherei and Ruth. We pray and then its time for getting in their uniforms and off to school. It is by now 10.30 am but it feels like we have done so much already....the girls have an hour walk to small task in the heat and dust.

So there is a typical night/morning in the village. It is great to spend such quality time with our girls , watching them grow and mature and have such a zest for life in a safe and loving environment.

It really makes me appreciate my shower and toilet everytime i come back to my home and yet i see them with so little so happy that it is very challenging to me ... and to us all

Praise God that He is helping us to make a difference in these children's lives.