Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Training the Leaders of Tomorrow

The last couple of days have been holidays here due to the Muslim sallah celebrations and so it was a great opportunity for our children to have some training in some of the practical things of life....
We are having 6 new girls join us this week, all orphaned and all needing to come now I decided that the senior girls and i would paint the building where they will stay as it was in a desperate need...

These girls have never done anything like it in their lives but it was great training for them, something which will be useful to them in the their future homes !! and to help them to take responsibility for these new sisters

The next morning around six thirty i awoke and heard a lot of activity outside and i saw all of our boys and uncles outside cutting grasses and clearing the banks along the road near our was great to see the uncles leading by example and showing the boys how to use the hoe and sythe and to take pride in the appearance of their surroundings. The girls too were included and all did their section....

I was reminded of the holistic nature of our ministry, to provide training practically and spiritually for our children so that they can have an impact on their society when they are older. In doing such tasks as these hopefully we are empowering them to be able to help themselves and others.

It was a priviledge to work alongside our girls, covered in paint and exhausted i might have been but a real sense of achievement was felt all round and a lot of fun into the bargain.

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